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Loss Prevention

Identifying Employee Theft at the POS

Michael Johnson, June 10, 2024

Many retailers might think that cameras are enough of a deterrent to prevent employees from stealing, but the reality is far from it. Criminals can be crafty and find unassuming ways to exploit your POS system to give them a bigger (and illegal) payday. 

Loss Prevention

Reducing Shrink at Self-Checkout with AI Technology

Steven Watters, March 7, 2024

Over the last six months, there have been many reports from large media outlets about how retailers are abandoning self-checkout, implying that the technology has been somewhat of a “failed experiment” due to the shrink that occurs from both intentional stealing and user error. While these articles may infer that retailers are abandoning self-checkout units in droves, the truth is far from it. Yes, some retailers are removing some self-checkout units from their stores, but there are far more who are rapidly implementing self-checkout units and embracing the technology more than ever before.

Loss Prevention

Risk Management Strategy: Retail Loss Prevention Tips

Uwe Von Sehrwald, April 16, 2019

Retail risk management is identifying areas of risk in your grocery operations, then mitigating or eliminating those risks to protect your customers, business, and bottom line. The risks that face grocers run the gamut from data security, to the health and safety of customers and employees, to inventory loss prevention.

Loss Prevention

How to Prevent Employee Theft in Retail? Get the Right Technology

Uwe Von Sehrwald, April 11, 2019

A National Retail Federation study shows retailers lose about $50 billion in inventory theft every year. And while you might assume the bulk of this is from external customer shoplifting, at least 30 percent—roughly $15 billion—is actually from employee theft. And that doesn’t even include outright cash theft.

Loss Prevention

Three Ways to Reduce Inventory Shrinkage from Expired Food Products

Jared Black, April 4, 2019

We’ve focused our recent posts on the topic of margin management — ways to help you minimize costs and maximize profits. We’ve provided tips, tricks and technologies retail grocers can use to insulate profit margins in the age of the dollar store and protect against the damage of product recalls, and even delved into the benefits of moving into the digital future with electronic shelf labels.

Loss Prevention

'Tis the Season to be… Shoplifted? 5 Tips for Preventing Retail Theft

Kara Watson, December 4, 2018

According to the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention, more than 10 million people have been caught shoplifting over the last five years. And with the holiday season in full swing, increased store traffic means a greater risk of retail theft than at other times of year. 

Loss Prevention

Loss Prevention Solutions: Add to Your Bottom Line

TRUNO, February 14, 2017

Many things affect the bottom line of grocery and retail stores, not the least of which is inadequate loss prevention systems. According to a National Retail Federation study, American retailers lose billions of dollars in potential sales each year due to “shrinkage” – which is the loss of inventory because of actions such as shoplifting, employee theft, administrative error, and cashier error.

Loss Prevention

Seeing is Believing: CCTV Systems Take Care of More Than Just Security

TRUNO, December 6, 2016

Video surveillance is a key part of a loss prevention strategy for your supermarket, convenience store, or any other type of small retail business. Closed-circuit television (CCTV) has long been the foundation of store security efforts in preventing internal or external (shoplifter) theft.

But there’s more to it than just retail monitoring, as you can also gather information that helps optimize your store’s performance, improve customer service, marketing, and promotions. Here’s how you can leverage your investment in CCTV systems to get the highest – and best – returns possible.