TruView Final Logo High Res

TRUNO's Business Intelligence platform and mobile application

TruView grants point of sale clients quick access to real time summary data for insight into sales performance, history, and important trends across all of their stores. Clients can compare the data between any subset of stores and see the totals for each location as well as the cumulative total between all locations. TruView make use of the TruConnection architecture which pulls the full data set from your operations. This enables complete flexibility to the standardized reports provided.


TruView Benefits

  • View sales and item movement from the POS system in real-time for quick access at any time of day
  • Available any browser or mobile device with access to the TruView website for easy access to insights.  Now available on the App Store and Google Play!
  • Drill-down from high-level company performance all the way to the details of an individual department of a single store for a complete view of operations
  • All table data can be exported to CSV, XLS, or PDF for easy consumption and integration into other systems
  • The software architecture allows complete flexibility to existing and customer specific reporting